Tax and Customs Training

We provide various training for regular training and in-house training in domestic taxation and international taxation.  We deliver in-house training for any company or organization which needs any training in tax and customs for its employees.

The regular training will cover certain regular topics  from basic until advanced level.  For in-house training may cover tailor-made topics according to the company’s needs.

Topics of regular training topics will include :

A. International Taxation

  • Basics of International Taxation, 5 day training, in cooperation with Faculty of Economics, University of  Indonesia
  • Tax Treaty and International Taxation Workshop, 2 day training
  • International and Domestic Tax Planning for Indonesia, 2 day training
  • Dasar-Dasar Pajak Internasional dan Tax Treaty – Level Basic (Format 1 hari)
  • Mudah Memahami Tax Treaty Melalui Pendekatan Studi Kasus — Level Intermediate (1 hari)
  • Aplikasi Beneficial Ownership dalam UU PPh Indonesia — Level Intermediate (1 hari)
  • Mudah Memahami Pemajakan atas Bentuk Usaha Tetap Melalui Studi Kasus — Level Intermediate (1 hari)

B. Transfer Pricing

  • Fundamentals of Transfer Pricing, 5 day training, in cooperation with Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia
  • Transfer Pricing Documentation Workshop, 2 day training
  • Strategi Manajemen Transfer Pricing Yang Efektif dan Efisien (Format Satu Hari) – Level Intermediate
  • Landscape Transfer Pricing Audit di Indonesia Pasca OECD BEPS Action 8-10 (Format Satu Hari) – Level Intermediate
  • Basics of Transfer Transfer Pricing (Format Satu Hari) – Level Basic
  • Strategi Menyusun Dokumentasi Transfer Pricing Yang Handal (Format Satu hari) – Level Intermediate
  • Mengelola Resiko Transfer Pricing atas Transaksi-Transaksi Keuangan Group Perusahaan – Level Intermediate
  • Aspek Transfer Pricing dalam Pajak Tidak Langsung (PPN, PPn BM dan Bea Masuk)
  • Strategi Handal Menghadapi Pemeriksaan dan Sengketa Transfer Pricing – Level Intermediate

C. Domestic Taxation

  • Withholding Tax (PPh 21) and its software for calculation, 2 day training
  • Tax Update, 1 day training
  • Tax Risk Management, 2 day training
  • E-faktur and VAT update, 2 day training
  • Taxation for Merger, Acquisition and Business Restructuring, 2 day trainin
  • Taxation for Foreign Company in Indonesia, 1 day training
  • Aspek Pajak atas Aksi Korporasi Group Perusahaan (Merger, Akuisisi, Divestasi dan Spin Off) – Level Advanced
  • Aspek Pajak atas Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO) – Level Menengah
  • Indonesian Tax Update (quarterly) – Basic and Intermediate Level
  • Strategi Mengelola Sengketa Pajak  – Level Menengah
  • Manajemen Perencanaan Pajak – Level Menengah

D. Topical Issue in Taxation

  • Taxation of Supply Chain Management, 2  day training
  • Taxation of Operational Management, 2  day training
  • Taxation of Property  and Real Estate Company, 2 day training

E. Customs Training

It includes basic until advanced level of custom training

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