Customs & Excise

The services are provided by customs expert who has long experience in customs, including former customs officials, who could deliver solution for the planning and dispute resolution in any customs issues including customs audit and customs dispute.

The Customs and Excise Services covers:

Customs and Excise Compliance Review

Customs and Excise Compliance Review

Compliance is one of the most important things we should have in doing business in Indonesia, however, some companies, due to their ignorance of customs and excise regulations, must face the complexity of doing business, resulting in not achieving their targets even the closure of their businesses.

We will conduct your business process review on customs and excise regulations, to ensure your business has a high level compliance and to avoid any unintentionall mistakes that could harm your business in the future, so you can do your business process with confident.

Steps to conduct the review :

  • Understanding client’s business process and / or business plan
  • Provide informations to clients regarding the most appropriate customs and excise regulations that client must comply with business processes and / or business plans

Customs and Excise Risks Mitigation

Customs and Excise Risks Mitigation

In the business, customs and excise risks are factors that can disrupt the smoothness of your business, it is very important to mitigate, manage and minimize or even eliminate all potential customs and excise risks in your business

We will conduct the mitigation of all possible risks from customs and excise in your business process and will provide you based on regulations solutions to eliminate or minimize the risks.

Steps to conduct the review :

  • Understanding client’s business process and / or business plan
  • Perform testing of transaction data samples
  • Provide informations to clients regarding the customs and excise regulations that may be violated and calculate potential customs billings that may arise
  • Provide the schemes, SOPs and any other tools to prevent those risks from happening in the future

Customs And Excise Expert Outsourcing

Customs And Excise Expert Outsourcing

Provide your business with manpower with expertise in customs and excise matters.

Steps to conduct the Customs and Excise Expert Outsourcing :

  • Understanding client’s business process and / or business plan
  • Assigning employee with customs knowledge background as per the client’s requirements
  • Monitoring and communicating related to the implementation of the works

Customs and Excise Internal Audit

Customs and Excise Internal Audit

Provide you internal audit with Indonesian Customs and Excise Audit standard before you are being audited by Customs Authority.

Steps to conduct the Customs and Excise Internal Audit :

  • Understanding client’s business process and / or business plan
  • Determine the audit program and periode of time
  • Perform a standard customs and excise internal audit based on customs audit regulations
  • Present the internal customs audit exposure

Customs and Excise Audit Assistance

Customs and Excise Audit Assistance

Provide you guidance and assistance when you are being audited by Customs Authority, to help you understanding the audit process and how to counter the audit findings

Steps to conduct the Customs and Excise Audit Assistance :

  • Understanding client’s business process and / or business plan
  • Estimate the audit data needed, audit target, audit risks
  • Reviewing and preparing data and/or documents for customs audit.
  • Assisting in customs audit process
  • Accompany and / or represent clients in meetings and / or discussion with auditors
  • Assisting Clients in preparing answer or response letter to audit findings

Customs and Excise Advisory

Customs and Excise Advisory

Provide you with consultancy in customs and excise regulation and custom and excise administration.

We provide consultansy session in discussion meetings, phones, email and any other means of communications, for subjects :

  • Customs regulation and custom administration.
  • Regulations related to customs process business
  • Provide Clients with any update of customs matter and related

License Instruments Arrangement and Customs Facilitation Arrangement

License Instruments Arrangement and Customs Facilitation Arrangement

Provide you assistance and help in getting licenses, permits, certifications related customs and excise process business such as NIK, BKPM, Masterlist, Temporary Import, KITE, Bonded License, AEO Certification, Determination of Customs Value, API, and others.

Steps to conduct the license intruments arrangement :

  • Detemining licenses, sertifications, or facilitation of cutoms and excise according to the client’s business process needs
  • Assisting Clients in preparing documents needed
  • Accompany and / or represent clients in meetings and / or discussion to obtain license or facilitation instruments

Customs and Excise Dispute

Customs and Excise Dispute

Provide with assistance in preparing and providing documents needed, and represent you in objection process at the Customs Office, appeal process at the tax court and the reconsideration to the supreme court.

Steps to conduct the customs and excise disputes :

  • Understanding the disputes that occur
  • Conduct a regulations review of the disputes
  • Reviewing and preparing countermeasures related the disputes
  • Assisting Clients in preparing letter of objection, appeal or reconsideration
  • Accompany and / or represent clients in the process objection, appeal or reconsideration

Training, Seminars and Workshop

Training, Seminars and Workshop

Provide training, seminars or workshops to assist you in improving employee skills and their knowledge in the understanding of the Customs and Excise regulations and related rules to be applied in your business processes.

Steps to conduct the training, seminars and workshop:

  • Understanding client’s business process and / or business plan
  • Preparing the training materials according to the needs of the client
  • Conduct the trainings, seminars or workshop in TPC Consulting Office, Client’s Office or any other venues as neede

Customs Clasification Determintation

Customs Clasification Determintation

Provide you the determination/classification of the import and export goods base on the book of HS Code Number.

Steps to conduct the Customs Clasidfication Determintion :

  • Understanding client’s business process and / or business plan
  • Understanding the technical information related the goods
  • Providing Clients with the assesment and analysis result of the goods
  • Providing Clients with opinions of Customs Clasification (HS Code) of the goods

Assistance in Customs Clearance Process

Assistance in Customs Clearance Process

Assist you in your customs clearance daily operation by providing all data and information related to your import – export activities, such as :

  • HS Code Number Determination
  • Assisstance in Customs Documents filling
  • Assistance in explaining to customs authority

Customs Duty Refund

Customs Duty Refund

Provides all documents and requirements in the application of the refund of customs duty, meeting with customs until the issuance of the refund decision.

Steps to conduct the cutsoms duty refund :

  • Understanding the customs duty and excise that can be refund
  • Assist in preparing documents and requirements regarding the refund process
  • Accompany and/or assist clients in the process of customs duties and excise refund

Internal Audit of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)

Internal Audit of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)

Compliance is one of the most important things we should have in doing business in Indonesia, however, some companies, due to their ignorance of customs and excise regulations, must face the complexity of doing business, resulting in not achieving their targets even the closure of their businesses.

We will conduct your business process review on customs and excise regulations, to ensure your business has a high level compliance and to avoid any unintentionall mistakes that could harm your business in the future, so you can do your business process with confident.

Steps to conduct the review :

  • Understanding client’s business process and / or business plan
  • Provide informations to clients regarding the most appropriate customs and excise regulations that client must comply with business processes and / or business plans

Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Assessment

Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Assessment

Providing the services related to the assessment and arrangement of AEO certification and recognition from Customs Authority.

Steps to conduct the license intruments arrangement :

  • Understanding the security standard of client’s business process
  • Conducting a Gap Analysis of the security standard between client’s business process and AEO standard
  • Providing Clients with recomendations of improvement to achieve the AEO standard
  • Assisting Clients in preparing documents needed
  • Accompany and / or represent clients in meetings and / or discussion to obtain AEO Recognition
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