#Transfer Pricing Guidelines Archives - TAXINDO PRIME CONSULTING https://www.taxindo.co.id/tag/transfer-pricing-guidelines/ Building Synergy, Creating and Enhancing Value Tue, 17 Jan 2023 15:16:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.8 https://i2.wp.com/www.taxindo.co.id/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cropped-tpc-1-copy.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 #Transfer Pricing Guidelines Archives - TAXINDO PRIME CONSULTING https://www.taxindo.co.id/tag/transfer-pricing-guidelines/ 32 32 145596841 OECD Publishes 78 Comments on Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Financial Transactions https://www.taxindo.co.id/oecd-publishes-78-comments-transfer-pricing-guidelines-financial-transactions/ https://www.taxindo.co.id/oecd-publishes-78-comments-transfer-pricing-guidelines-financial-transactions/?noamp=mobile#respond Fri, 21 Sep 2018 08:19:16 +0000 https://www.taxindo.co.id/?p=2636 The OECD on Friday published comments written in response to its July 3 discussion draft  on proposed transfer pricing rules for intragroup financial transactions. Altogether, 78 comments were published by the OECD in three documents: Part 1,  Part 2, and Part 3. The July discussion draft was developed by the OECD in an effort to

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The OECD on Friday published comments written in response to its July 3 discussion draft  on proposed transfer pricing rules for intragroup financial transactions. Altogether, 78 comments were published by the OECD in three documents: Part 1,  Part 2, and Part 3.
The July discussion draft was developed by the OECD in an effort to craft uniform transfer pricing rules for counties to follow in this contentious area. Countries are having a difficult time reaching consensus on transfer pricing rules for financial transactions. Thus, the draft seeks stakeholder feedback in an effort to move the debate forward.
Writing on behalf of BIAC, Will Morris said the OECD should reconsider moving forward with developing broad transfer pricing rules for financial transactions.
Morris said that the OECD/G20 base erosion profit shifting (BEPS) plan has already made significant progress toward shutting down tax avoidance from intragroup funding through the new general transfer pricing rules on accurately delineating transactions, interest limitation rules, hybrid mismatch rules, and mandatory reporting rules. Except in narrow cases, additional transfer pricing provisions on financial transactions may greatly complicate daily funding activities of MNE groups but provide little benefit, BIAC asserts.
BIAC argues that additional transfer pricing rules might be appropriate for limited areas such as guarantee fees, cash-pooling, and captive insurance. The draft should address comparability issues that are unique in this area, such as the issue of implicit support provided by a parent company, BIAC said.
A contrary view was expressed by the BEPS Monitoring group, a coalition of NGOs. The discussion draft should be revised to explain and emphasize the reality that tax-motivated financial transaction structuring is pervasive and a major cause of BEPS that requires tax authorities’ focus and a strong sense of skepticism, the group wrote in comments drafted primarily by Jeffery Kadet.
The BEPS Monitoring Group also said that while the discussion draft was well thought out, the guidelines are too complex for many developing nation tax administrations to apply. “[W]hat is sorely needed are simplified methods that are simple to apply and that provide results that are fair to both taxpayers and tax authorities alike,” the group said.
The Chartered Insitute of Taxation (CIOT) noted that the discussion draft focuses more on providing certainty around appropriately delineating and pricing transactions than on answering the broader questions of whether the actual capital structure of groups should be respected for tax purposes. CIOT believes that the new guidance should emphasize that a countries’ unilateral restrictions on capital structures weaken the importance of finding the appropriate transfer price of a financial transaction and may result in double taxation.
CIOT also argues that the discussion draft’s implication that full functional analysis and documentation is required for all intragroup financial transaction is overly burdensome. The guidance should focus instead on high-risk transactions, CIOT said
In its comments, the Japan Foreign Trade Council’s Accounting & Tax Committee said that to avoid placing undue burden on business, MNE groups that are not primarily engaged in finance and insurance businesses should be treated differently and separately from MNE groups primarily engaged in these businesses.
The Silicon Valley Tax Director’s Group, representing US high-tech companies, took issue with the draft’s characterization of treasury companies as low-risk support functions entitled only to a low return. The group says that such a view does not reflect this specutrum of companies’ functionality and risk exposure.
The following individuals and groups commented on the draft:
Actionable Insights Advisory, Alexander Kruglov, Alternative Information & Development Center, Association for Financial Markets in Europe, Association of Banks in
Singapore, Association of British Insurers. AstraZeneca, BDI, BDO International,  BEPS Monitoring Group, BE-V VA , Bharti Airtel Limited, BIAC, Bignon Lebray and DBA, Borioli & Colombo Associati, Breslin Consulting, Cajetan Fiedler, Canadian Bankers Association,  Capital Markets Tax Committee of Asia –Transfer Pricing Sub-Committee,  Captive Insurance Companies Association, Chartered Institute of Taxation, Confederation of Indian  Industry, Copenhagen Economics, Deloitte UK, Dhruva Advisors LLP, DTEK Energy, Duff & Phelps, EBIT, Embridge Economics B.V, Erste Group Bank AG, European Banking Federation, European Captive Insurance and Reinsurance Owners` Association, Eversheds Sutherland, EY, Fantozzi & Associati – Studio Legale Tributario, Federation of European Risk Management Associations, Federazione Nazionale Imprese Elettrotecniche ed Elettroniche (ANIE), FTI Consulting, Grant Thornton International, Hardeep Singh Chawla, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Insurance Company Working Group on BEPS, Insurance Europe, International Fiscal Association (Mexican Branch) Transfer Pricing Committee, Japan Foreign Trade Council, KPMG, Lee-Odden, Loyens & Loeff, Ludovici Piccone & Partners, Macfarlanes, MEDEF, Mexican Institute of Public Accountants, Moore Stephens LLP, Morri Rossetti e Associati, National Foreign Trade Council, NERA Economic Consulting, Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati, PwC, Royal Bank of Canada, Schwabe, Ley & Greiner, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, Silicon Valley Tax Directors Group, Simmons & Simmons LLP, South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, Swiss Bankers Association, Swiss Insurance and Reinsurance Captives Association, SwissHoldings, Taxand, Tax Executives Institute, Transfer Pricing Advisory, Treaty Policy Working Group, Tremonti Romagnoli Piccardi e Associati, UK Finance, USCIB, World Bank Group’s Domestic Resource Mobilization Unit, WTS Global, WU Transfer Pricing Center.
Source: https://mnetax.com/oecd-publishes-78-comments-on-transfer-pricing-guidelines-for-financial-transactions-29773

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Transfer pricing esensi dokumen transfer pricing https://www.taxindo.co.id/transfer-pricing-esensi-dokumen-transfer-pricing/ https://www.taxindo.co.id/transfer-pricing-esensi-dokumen-transfer-pricing/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 04 Jul 2017 04:24:36 +0000 https://www.taxindo.id/?p=1960 The post Transfer pricing esensi dokumen transfer pricing appeared first on TAXINDO PRIME CONSULTING.

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Transfer pricing esensi dokumen transfer pricing

Makin banyak perusahaan multinasional (multinational enterprises/MNE) dari berbagai negara di Indonesia, baik sebagai cabang, perwakilan, anak perusahaan dan bentuk lainnya yang melakukan transfer pricing.. Penyebabnya berbagai hal di antaranya bahan baku murah dan mudah didapat, demikian juga tenaga kerja.

Berbagai tipe transaksi antar perusahaan MNE atau transaksi afiliasi, seperti transfer barang berwujud dan tidak berwujud (intagibles), penyerahan jasa, keuangan, persewaan dan leasing, berbagai kontrak (manufaktur/maklon, litbang, pemeliharaan, pemasaran), dan berbagi biaya (Gunadi, 1997).

Dalam International Tax Glosary disebut “A transfer price is the price charged by a company for goods, sevrices or intangible property to a subsidiary or other related company”. Karena perusahaan berada di berbagai negara, penentuan harga dalam transaksi afiliasi MNE dapat berbeda bahkan menyimpang dari harga di pasar wajar (fairness business).

Ini pula yang membuat perusahaan dapat menjadi rugi secara komersil di suatu negara walaupun sebenarnya memperoleh untung.

Transfer pricing merupakan salah satu kebijakan bisnis terutama harga dalam MNE, yang mempunyai sisi untung-rugi bagi pihak-pihak. Bagi MNE (secara keseluruhan), dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang maksimal. Di sisi lain sekaligus dapat meminimalisasi beban/pengeluaran kepada pihak lain di luar multinational corporations (MNC), termasuk pajak yang minimal bagi negara.

Untuk meminimilasi kerugian bagi negara dan dalam rangka tax governance, berbagai negara telah mengeluarkan regulasi terkait trasfer pricing. Di Indonesia, ketentuan terkait terdapat dalam UU Pajak Penghasilan (PPh), yaitu Pasal 6 (1), Pasal 10 (1), dan Pasal 18.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) telah membuat pedoman (guidelines) untuk transfer pricing. Pertama, penerapan prinsip harga wajar (arm’s-length principle) dalam transaksi afiliasi. Kedua, penerapan tingkat komparabilitas. Ketiga, pengenalan metode laba dengan transactional net margin method. Dan keempat, pentingnya dokumentasi atas transfer pricing dan peranan pinalti guna meningkatkan kepatuhan.

Merujuk pedoman OECD tersebut, berbagai negara telah membuat ketentuan mengenai pembuatan dokumen transfer pricing. Indonesia juga telah mengimplementasikannya dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No.213/2016 tentang jenis dokumen dan/atau informasi tambahan yang disimpan oleh wajib pajak (WP) yang melakukan transaksi dengan para pihak yang mempunyai hubungan istimewa dan tata cara pengelolaannya.

Dokumen penentuan transfer pricing adalah dokumen yang diselenggarakan oleh WP sebagai dasar penerapan prinsip kewajaran dan kelaziman usaha dalam penentuan transfer pricing yang dilakukan WP.

Ada tiga jenis dokumennya. Pertama, dokumen induk. Dokumen ini minimal memuat informasi mengenai grup usaha yaitu struktur dan bagan kepemilikan serta negara atau yurisdiksi masing-masing anggota; kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan; harta tidak berwujud yang dimiliki; aktivitas keuangan dan pembiayaan, dan laporan keuangan konsolidasi entitas induk dan informasi perpajakan terkait transaksi afiliasi.

Kedua, dokumen lokal. Dokumen ini minimal memuat informasi mengenai WP yaitu identitas dan kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan; informasi transaksi afiliasi dan transaksi independen yang dilakukan; penerapan prinsip kewajaran dan kelaziman usaha; informasi keuangan, dan peristiwa/kejadian/fakta nonkeuangan yang memengaruhi pembentukan harga atau tingkat laba.

Ketiga, laporan per negara, yang minimal memuat alokasi penghasilan, pajak yang dibayar, dan aktivitas usaha per negara atau yurisdiksi dari seluruh anggota grup usaha baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri, yang meliputi nama negara atau yurisdiksi, peredaran bruto, laba (rugi) sebelum pajak, PPh yang telah dipotong/dipungut/dibayar sendiri, PPh terutang, modal, akumulasi laba ditahan, jumlah pegawai tetap, dan harta berwujud selain kas dan setara kas.

Selain itu daftar anggota grup usaha dan kegiatan usaha utama per negara atau yurisdiksi. Adapun WP yang wajib menyelenggarakan dan menyimpan dokumen penentuan transfer pricing adalah yang melakukan transaksi afiliasi dengan syarat berikut. Pertama, nilai peredaran bruto tahun pajak sebelumnya diatas Rp50 miliar. Kedua, nilai transaksi afiliasi diatas Rp20 miliar untuk transaksi barang berwujud, atau diatas Rp5 miliar untuk setiap penyediaan jasa, pembayaran bunga, pemanfaatan barang tidak berwujud, atau transaksi afiliasi lainnya. Dan ketiga, pihak afiliasi yang berada di negara atau yurisdiksi dengan tarif PPh lebih rendah daripada tarif PPh di Indonesia.

Sedangkan bila WP merupakan entitas induk dari suatu grup usaha, batasan peredaran bruto konsolidasi diatas Rp11 triliun.

Dokumen transfer pricing wajib dibuat berdasarkan data dan informasi yang tersedia saat dilakukan transaksi afiliasi. Jika tidak, WP tidak memenuhi ketentuan dan dianggap tidak menerapkan prinsip kewajaran dan kelaziman usaha.

Selanjutnya, dokumen wajib dibuat ikhtisar dan merupakan lampiran SPT Tahunan PPh. Bagi WP yang tidak membuat dokumen transfer pricing maka selain tidak memenuhi ketentuan terkait penerapan prisip kewajaran dan kelaziman usaha, juga SPT-nya menjadi tidak lengkap.

Dalam hal diperlukan untuk pengawasan kepatuhan WP, pemeriksaan, pemeriksaan bukti permulaan atau penyidikan maka Dirjen Pajak berwenang meminta dokumen penentu transfer pricing dimaksud.



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